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Liton Consultoria's goal is to ensure that companies and their products are always in compliance with health regulations and technical guidelines determined by the country's regulatory agency.

Legalization of companies

According to current legislation and from a health point of view, for a company to start activities in Brazil, it is necessary to apply for a License/Alvará at the local health surveillance and subsequently file an application for an Operating Authorization (AFE) ) at ANVISA.

Issuance of the health license/permit will depend on the level of health surveillance actions in each state and/or municipality, that is, each company must adjust its structure and activities in accordance with local requirements.

The AFE, on the other hand, is granted by ANVISA upon compliance with technical and administrative requirements, thus allowing the companies to operate.

This authorization is required from companies that carry out storage, distribution, packaging, shipping, export, extraction, manufacturing, fractioning, import, production, purification, repackaging, synthesis, transformation and transport of medicines and pharmaceutical supplies intended for human use, products for health, cosmetics, personal hygiene products, perfumes, sanitizing products and filling or filling of medicinal gases.


Registration of cosmetic products

Before commercialization and insertion in the Brazilian market, each and every cosmetic product needs to be properly regularized and approved by ANVISA.


This regularization must be done on behalf of the company that owns it, responsible for importing or manufacturing the product, and that has all the necessary licenses.


There are currently two forms of classification: products exempt from registration and products subject to registration. This analysis must be carried out based on the characteristics of the products and from there, the regularization process begins.


Our team is responsible for analyzing each case individually, leading the process from start to finish, from product analysis and document request to release. We also carry out the weekly/monthly follow-up and control to enable the commercialization of the product and maintenance of the process.


Trademark registration at the INPI

Trademark registration is a title secured by the National Institute of Industrial Property — INPI, which authorizes ownership of the brand and the right to use it exclusively in the segment in which it operates throughout Brazil. Registration protects a trademark from being used or copied by third parties without authorization.

Basically, there are 4 steps to be followed: feasibility research (search and analysis), document collection, registration request protocol and process monitoring.

Count on us to register and protect your brand. Avoid copies and pass more credibility to your audience.

Tratamento facial
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